"You are more beautiful than you know,
more talented than you think,
and more loved than you can imagine!"
-Kandee Johnson

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Monday, March 15, 2010


Hey! I'm sooo sorry! I haven't posted a blog in FOEVER!!! I've been soooo busy! Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter if I miss a day or in my case a month or too, because no one is even reading this! So if anyone out there is PLEASE leave a comment so I know I need to do these more! but if no ones even reading this than whats the point!?!?! Oh well, they're still kinda fun to do even if no one is out there reading this! Well thats all! Love your neighboor as yourself! (i know you've been hearing that for like ever! but your parents were right! if you are a friend you'll have a friend!) Thanks for reading! and have an amazing day!

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