"You are more beautiful than you know,
more talented than you think,
and more loved than you can imagine!"
-Kandee Johnson

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Makeup Survival Guide!

Here are some little pointers to help you out if you are new to the whole "makeup scene"! So if you don't have any idea where to start or you just need some help in some areas then this is the article for you! So keep reading and I hope this helps!
1: Moisturize, Moisturize, MOISTURIZE!!! This is soooo important, I can't stress this enough! Even if you think, "oh, I can't, I have oily skin, this will just make it worse!" No, you still have to moisturize! Lotion helps lock-in the moisture, so if you have dry skin this is even MORE IMPORTANT! The best way to lock-in all that important moisture is my putting on lotion right after a shower or washing your face because all of your pores are open and you can just soak up the moisturizer!
2: Now we can move on to the foundation, people with oily skin should use a powder foundation, or a mineral foundation. Those with dry skin should use a liquid foundation but always finish with a loose powder to keep that foundation from going anywhere! Using a concealer helps to cover up those dark eyes, but again, put a loose powder over that to keep it from going any where!
3: Yay! We get to talk about the eyes! This is my Favorite part! I love how expressive you can be in the eye makeup! You can go natural or do a smokey eye, have a fun playful eye with bright colors or just a simple eye! You can do soooooo much to express yourself! But always start with a base, then add a powder over it to make the makeup more vibrant! Now we can start the fun part! Lets just do a natural eye for now.
Choose a color eyeshadow that matches your skintone, now apply that all over your eye. Now take a color just slightly daker than your skintone, and apply that right in the crease of your eye, you can find the crease by feeling where your eyebone is and that little area between your eyebone and your eye is the crease! See so esay! haha! Next, find a color just a little lighter than your skintone with a little shimmer in it, not glitter like you see little girls whering you just want little particles that catch the light. Applu that just under your eyebrows and in the inner conner of your eyes to make you look more awake and fresh!
Eyeliner time! If you can't or don't want to wear eyeliner thats fine, :) just skip down to mascara! If your fair skined than I would use a light brown and with darker skin just keep making the brown darker! So if your tan than use a dark brown and so on. Lets talk about where to put it, I personaly think it looks best if you only put eyeliner in the tops of your eyes not on the bottom! But do what you like! Just try to get it as close to the lash line as possible! It's ok if you mess up, it's hard! Just keep trying you'll become an old pro in no time!
Mascara! I love long, think lashes! Gorgeous! To get the most bang for your buck I like to get to different kinds of cheep mascara a thicking one and a lenghting one. First to the thicking one back and front for the top lashes and then just to a thin coat for the bottom lashes to make your eyes seem big and bight and fresh! Beautiful! Now add the lenghing one to take out the clumps and make them look longer! Just do the front of your lashes for the top and bottom. And to make your eyes nice and pretty do the mascara in black, but thats just me do what you want and just try different combinations untill you find what you like the best! Just Practice!
4: Now the lips, i like just a swipe of light pink lip gloss but do want you like, I personally love a nude lip, but some love the bright red lips! But do what you love! If your trying a new look for the first time and someone close to you says something negitive they're just trying to help! So listen to them, they probaly have some great advice so don't get mad!
So those are your survival guide tips to a great fresh made up face! Just rember makeup doesn't hide you, it just enchances you! Everyone has natural beauty to bring out through makeup! Hope this helps! And if I said something incorrect please tell me by leaving a comment below so I can fix it! OR if you have some other advice leave a comment also! I hope you have a beautiful day and don't forget to smile tons! Because you might really make someone's just my giving them a smile!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks soooo much! I'm 12 and this really helped!
